WMB Law are pleased to announce the opening of our new branch in Shrewsbury Town Centre.
Please note visiting will be by appointment only. Please call 01952 291100 to book an appointment.

Jargon-Buster: Types of prison sentence
In the UK there are three broad categories of prison sentence. A helpful jargon- buster when it comes to prison sentences.

The Prison Rules Have Changed
A new version of the prison rules came into force earlier this year. The prison rules govern prisoners’ behaviour in custody.

Indeterminate Sentences – Gone but not forgotten
IPP Sentences were designed to protect the public from dangerous offenders whose crimes did not merit a life sentence….

Home Detention Curfew – what happens when you’re ‘released on tag’
If you’re serving a custodial sentence, one of your main concerns will be when you’re eligible for release.

‘Up-skirting’ and the law
On 11th April this year the Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019 came into force, criminalising what is commonly known as ‘up- skirting’

When a ‘quick chat’ becomes a formal Police Interview…
There has been a massive growth in what the Police call ‘voluntary interviews’ or ‘voluntary appointments’ which sound less formal and more friendly.
However, the legal standing of these interviews is no different to those interviews that take place after arrest…

Meet Charlie
Charlie has spent his days in the office with us since he was three months old, and he’s a very loyal little member of our team.

January breakups – Marriage, civil partnership or period of cohabitation
For some, January is a time for change and upheaval. Painful decisions are made by one party in a relationship to end things.

DIY SOS: Why drafting your own Will is a false economy
Everyone’s personal circumstances and wishes are different and a 10- minute ‘fill in the blanks’ Will form will not suit the vast majority of people…

Adjudications – What happens when you get into trouble on the inside
The consequences can be severe if you break the rules in prison. A serious breach of the rules can lead to you being hauled in front of the prison Governor or, worse still, in front of a District Judge…